2022 JOTA WB4SA, Camp La-No-Che K2BSA
We processed 1853 participants for the official weekend. We still have 2 more weekends for JOTA-like events for the month. Overall the event went well though we were short several hams and the usual emcom equipment & trailers. (All our resources were diverted to disaster relief in south Florida from hurricane Ian.) We didn’t get as many youth on the air as we’d normally like but everyone seemed to have fun with Demos: HF, 2M, DMR, WSPR, – Radio Merit Badge banners & info.
We added a new game, a Rasberry PI with 32″ monitor can grade the youths CW skills and creates a new competition for best CW learner of the day, they win a puzzle prize.
Our WiFi ARDF game gives a large RC monster truck for best times at the end of the day.
Had a short zoom with Philippines Manila Council (12hr time diff)
Lake Amateur Radio Association Group K2BSA Orlando Amateur Radio Club ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio Orlando Drone Club Boy Scouts of the Philippines Central Florida Council, Boy Scouts of America Boy Scouts of America
How many adult hams were in scouts?
Did you know that 73% of new youth hams (under 26/yo) come from School (39%) & Scouting programs (34%).
These programs are WHERE THE YOUTH ARE, you can’t educate youth in an empty hall. Youth will not seek out clubs to learn about something they don’t know about. I also strongly recommend every club offer a FREE, NO-VOTING membership for under 18 or 26 youth. Ken KN4MDJ