The Lake Amateur Radio Association (LARA) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization started by a small group of radio amateurs in 1952. Since that time, LARA has grown to a membership of 150+ members, own their own property, and built a clubhouse on that property.
The club owns and operates a fully equipped Emergency Communications Trailer for public service and emergency communications. The club operates three VHF repeaters and three UHF repeaters. One or more of these are often linked to Echolink or the East Coast Reflector. LARA also has two DMR repeaters that are linked on ‘Local 2’, providing excellent county-wide coverage.
LARA operates under the call sign K4FC and the ARES division (LCARES) operates under the call N4FLA. On the LARA property is the clubhouse along with a 161-foot tower. The club maintains an extensive antenna farm along with 4 operating positions inside the clubhouse. These operating positions can work HF, VHF, and UHF along with various modes such as P-25, WINLINK, FT-8, etc.
The Lake Amateur Radio Association meets on the third Saturday of each month at 10:00AM in the clubhouse. The club routinely conducts a Volunteer Examiner session before the meetings at 8:00AM
We also hold a monthly luncheon the second Wednesday of the month starting at 11:00 AM at the Oakwood Smokehouse in Leesburg.
Oakwood Smokehouse
27745 Hwy 27
Leesburg FL 34748
For any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our president:
Glenn Casselman – AA4UC