Field Day 2022 will soon be here! As I’m sure everyone knows, Field Day combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. On Friday June 24th in the late afternoon, we will begin the setup for Field Day 2022. Field day will start on Saturday the 25th at 2 PM local time and conclude 24 hours later on Sunday the 26th. This event is a major undertaking for LARA and will necessitate many people to pitch in to make it successful. Frank Anders (KK4MBX) did a fantastic job running this effort last year and I have been shamelessly picking his brain and plan to copy much of what he did last year.
We will again be operating (at least) a 5A operation along with a “Get-On-The-Air” (GOTA station). Jason Matthews (K4AUS) our VP will once again procure the Institute for Public Safety (IPS) in Tavares. Jason will likely also procure many other invaluable assets as he has in years past. John Walton (WB4HV) has once again agreed to lead the welcome/registration desk. Rich Persh (KN4GJV) thankfully will again be our Master Chef. Maria (Larry’s XYL) and Laura (my XYL) will assist Rich for the major meal on Saturday evening. Dave Pennell (NP2MR) will again compile our results and forward them to the ARRL.
As far as operators right now, we have the CW team being pulled together by Kevin Milhorn (N4KM) and he will lead the two CW positions. Jay Boehme (N4KXO) and Dave LaBier (KE7BMG) will run the FT8 position. Larry Monroe (N2HBX) will be our lead for the 40-meter SSB position. I will lead the 20-meter SSB position.
For bonus points we have Frank (KK4MBX) arranging for an elected official and publicity. Strait Hollis (KT4YA) getting points for message handling and will also try to get publicity. John Zimmerman (K4ZI) will copy the Field Day message. Jay (N4KXO) will get bonus points on 6 and 2 meters. Jamey McKinley (W4CGX) will get 100 points for us as our Safety Officer and I will get the emergency power points. Last but not least we have Det Joks (N4ILB) attempting to get the elusive satellite points. Det has also agreed to help operate one of the SSB positions.
We have a good start but we still need a lead for the GOTA position. We also need SSB operators, and people to help setup on Friday and Saturday along with tear down on Sunday. So, I am now asking all of LARA for assistance with this event and in what capacity you would like to help out.
Please respond to me as soon as you can at glenncass@comcast.net or AA4UC@ARRL.net.
Much more to follow as we get closer.
Glenn Casselman (AA4UC)