Field Day 2024 was another great success for LARA and all participants! Here are our results:
- First in Florida (all stations)
- Fourth nationally in class 6A
- Twentieth overall nationally
- Twenty Ninth in CW nationally
Call Used: K4FC GOTA Station Call: N4FLA ARRL/RAC Section: NFL Class: 6A
Participants: 38 Club/Group Name: Lake Amateur Radio Association
Power Source(s): Generator, Battery, Solar
Power Multiplier: 2X
Preliminary Total Score: 12,978
Bonus Points:
100% emergency power 600
Media Publicity 100
Public location 100
Public information table 100
Formal message to ARRL SM/SEC 100
W1AW Field Day message 100
Formal messages handled (10 x 10, max of 100) 100
Natural power QSOs completed 100
Site visit by invited elected official 100
Site visit by invited served agency 100
Educational activity 100
Youth participation (9 x 20, max of 100) 100
Safety officer 100
Social media 100
Satellite QSO 100
GOTA Station 80
GOTA Coach 100
Entry submitted via web 50
Total bonus points 2,230
Score Summary:
CW Digital Phone Total
Total QSOs 1550 258 1758
Total Points 3100 516 1758 5374
Claimed Score = (QSO points x power mult) = 10,748
Submitted by: Michael Pecorini, K2MRP
Band/Mode QSO Breakdown:
CW Digital Phone
QSOs Pwr(W) QSOs Pwr(W) QSOs Pwr(W)
80m 148 100 34 100
40m 549 100 67 35 245 100
20m 647 100 153 35 1216 100
15m 205 100 26 35 224 100
10m 1 100 1 35 100
6m 11 35 100
2m 14 50
Satellite 9 50
GOTA 16 100
TOTAL 1550 258 1758
GOTA Bonus: GOTA Coach - 100 Bonus Points
Name/Call QSOs Bonus Points
Teresa, KN4CFJ 7 35
Andrew, N/A 1 5
Karin, N/A 1 5
Khaleesi, N/A 1 5
Rddick, N/A 1 5
Soleil, N/A 1 5
Zaeden, N/A 1 5
Wolf, N/A 1 5
Shashamk, N/A 1 5
Chris, N/A 1 5