Our Clubhouse is located at 11146 Springdale Ave. in Leesburg, Fl. 34788, just east of County Road 473.

Note: The Speed Limit is 5 mph on the access road to the LARA Clubhouse!
Finding the Clubhouse is not easy until one has been there a couple of times. However the pictures below will, hopefully, make it easier for you to find.
Turning north off of US 441 on SR 473 (Creek Rd), you will find a Walgreen Pharmacy on your right and the road on the other side of the intersection is name Bluegill Ave. Proceeding Northward, the roads on the right will be Crossen, Sycamore, Pine Ridge, Lake Eustis, and Woodside. The next street is your right turn – Springdale with Fellowship Baptist Church just beyond the turn.
As you reach the end of the road and go through the gate, find a parking space, usually around the perimeter.